Celebrating a Year of Love with Lindsay

The day after Saint Patrick's Day 2020, I flew from Ireland back home to Los Angeles; after Donald J. Trump said if there were any Americans abroad, they should return home immediately or else risk getting stuck where they were. As soon as I landed in LA, I realized I wanted to ride this thing out with Lindsay, so I immediately booked a flight to Toronto, unsure if I would be let in since I knew the borders were closing the next day.

I arrived in Toronto and was immediately detained in airport jail. Border officers fingerprinted me and took my passport away until they were able to book me the next flight back to LA. Lindsay and I spent the next five months nurturing a Zoom relationship. We watched Tiger King together via Zoom shared screen (good times.)

In July 2020, Lindsay found out Canadians were allowed to fly into America, so she booked a flight to LA. We had so much fun together while everything else felt like the world was ending that we decided to get married.

We were married in a small, beautiful ceremony with only a few close friends. We didn't tell my family until the wedding video was ready. This was very difficult to get away with since we were living with them at the time. One year later, we were finally able to celebrate with our friends and family in a special Celebration of Love that was officiated by my uncle, Rabbi Ron Hauss. Thank you to everyone who celebrated with us. We love you all so much.

I'll make a blog post and video about getting married before moving in together and share some perspectives by Jordan Peterson in his book "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules For Life."

Read the book: https://amzn.to/3JwfTZq


With gratitude,

Joey Hauss

PS: If you prefer watching over reading, you can watch this video where I talk about this experience here.

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