TBI or CTE: What The Hell Is Wrong With Me?

brazilian jiu-jitsu breathwork cold immersion wim hof method
My good friend Mark Tullius recently published his newest book TBI or CTE: What the Hell is Wrong With Me?, which details his experience with Traumatic Brain Injury, and his journey to find helpful treatments.

I had the pleasure of taking Mark through the Wim Hof Method as research for the book. It's an honor to be a part of this book in some small way and to help anyone dealing with these issues and looking for any kind of help.

His book is free on Kindle until tomorrow, 1/31/2022, so be sure to go and check it out, especially if you are one of my combat athlete friends (or any athlete for that manner, especially if you’re taking hits to the head in any capacity.) This book just may save your life, or at the very least help you on your way to healing. Thank you again, Mark, for letting me play a small role and be of service. You can get your free Kindle copy here:

TBI or CTE: What The Hell Is Wrong With Me?

FREE on Amazon Kindle right now.

Vicious Whispers Episode 99: Joey and Lindsay Hauss: Breathwork, Meditation, and Cold Immersion

Watch it on Youtube, here.


With gratitude,

Joey Hauss

Can breathwork and cold immersion help heal and align your life in a single session? Join an upcoming event and find out.


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