Day 30 of my 30-Day Juice Cleanse

đź—“ Today marks Day 50 of 75 Hard and Day 30 of my 30-Day Juice Cleanse. I began both challenges to make small positive improvements in my overall health, and I've been blown away by the results.
When I started 75 Hard, 50 days ago, I was 195 lbs. Before the crazy events of 2020, I weighed 185 lbs. As everything in life became uncertain and stress built, with the inability to train Jiu-Jitsu for a couple of months, I gained 30 lbs and walked around at 215 lbs. When I married Lindsay, I had gained so much weight that I couldn't sit down in the pants I was wearing for fear they'd rip. When I finally started training again, I hurt my back, keeping me out of training for a few more months. Then, when that healed up, it took several more months to get from that 215 lbs down to 195 lbs (pictured on the far left).
The far left picture is when I started 75 Hard. It's when I began changes to my diet, (I chose vegetarian and intermittent fasting). I completed two workouts a day (at least one of them had to be outside). I refrained from alcohol, went without cheat meals, drank a gallon of water (every day). I read at least ten pages of a book (every day) and took these progress pictures, all as part of the challenge.
On Day 20 (the middle picture, 185 lbs), my good friend Jeremy challenged me to join him and a group he led on a juice cleanse. Now, I've been drinking fresh-squeezed fruit and vegetable juices (I've had an occasional soup as well) for the past 30 days. I've shed an additional 20 lbs and now stand at 165 lbs. So since mid-2020, I gained 30 lbs from my original weight (185 lbs) up to 215 lbs, got down to 195 lbs, and then 50 days later, lost 30 lbs. That's 50 lbs down since late 2020.
I'm amazed by how small changes in any direction create massive compounding results with time. By falling off my good habits, I had gained a bunch of weight, but by being more conscious of what I'm eating and drinking and how I move my body, I was able to lose 30 lbs in less than two months.
Thank you to everyone who has helped me on this journey in any small way. I'll probably gain some weight back after eating, but I'm excited to see the results after finishing 75 Hard and continuing to create new empowering habits.
With gratitude,
Joey Hauss
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